Campground Events

  The below dates, performers, events are  subject to change call ahead to ensure performance times.

                 ~~~~~~2025 activities! ~~~~~

 Weather permitting every Thursday: Community Bonfire (with s’mores and hot dogs. A great way to meet other Rv’ers!)

May 1st – opening day! 🙂

May 3rdDessert Luck w/ Paul Sanner performing! (think James Taylor!) (opening weekend celebration) !! Campers to share a favorite dessert – Louie and Pj to provide service ware and drinks!

May 5th and 6th Watercolor class by Linda Summers! If you always wondered what the wonderful world of watercolor is about, now is your chance! Linda is a budding artist herself and a great instructor. She is offering to share her love of watercolor, skill, AND materials FREE of charge to any and all!

 May 10thBill Vespasian performing! Bill has been requested by several RV’ers who have heard him about town. They LOVE him and so…he’s coming here! Can not wait !! 🙂

May 11th – Sunday morning  a special treat on your departure from the campground celebrating Mother’s Day and YOU!!  

May 13th – Bring your instrument, sheet music to share, and a music stand if you have it because Sandy Monk is ready to lead a group play-along! Sandy and I attended a Ukulele class together and man can this gal play…and lead! Come join!!

May 17thTommy Davis performs for us!!  A great guitar player and vocalists – smooth country vibe!

May 25th (Sun.) Memorial Day celebration with potluck (Louie and Pj to provide the main course with campers bringing a dish to share + live performance by MOOK AND MIMI! Back by popular demand! Get ready to toe tap!!  🙂

May 26th (Monday) Memorial Day

May 31stKaraoke and Open Mic Night! Group sing alongs, karaoke! Bring your instrument, a joke (or two) a story, a mini-play!!

June 5th, 6th,7thLine Dance instruction by Linda Hardee and Pj! Yippeee – bring your boots and a joyful smile!!  🙂

June 7thStruck by Lightning 2!! – Now we line dance to all the dances we’ve learned through the week!!

June 14thTommy Davis performs for us!! 🙂

June 15th – Sunday morning  a special treat on your departure from the campground celebrating Father’s Day and YOU!!  

June 21stStruck by Lightning 2 perform!

June 28thKaraoke and Open Mic night!  Group sing alongs, karaoke, bring an instrument, tell a joke!

July 5th4th of July celebration with potluck (Louie and Pj to provide the main course with campers bringing a dish to share). + Music!  GEORGIA BACK PORCH TRIO!!

July 12thKaraoke and Open Mic night! Group sing-alongs, karaoke, bring your instrument, tell a joke !!

July 19th – live performance – Struck by Lightning2!!

July 24th,25th,and 26thLine dance instruction by Brian and Marybeth!! Come on and bring those Sh** kickers with you for a fun time!!  🙂

July 26thStruck by Lightning + the MVC line dancers with Brian and Marybeth! 🙂

Aug. 2ndTriple Treat Saturday! Music Trivia (prizes) Open Mic, group sing alongs, karaoke!

Aug. 4-10th- MVC closed for preventitive maintenance, deep cleaning, water leak checks, and REST!!  LOL

Aug. 15- 23rdGEORGIA MOUNTAIN FAIR (no live music on the campground this week)We will see you instead on the fairgrounds enjoying their live music, waffle cones, corn dogs, rides, etc!! Stay with us for a peaceful night of sleep so you can enjoy the hectic fair life!! We are only 10 minutes away from the fairgrounds!

Aug. 31st (Sunday)Labor Day celebration with potluck (Louie and Pj to provide the main course with campers bringing a dish to share.) + music – Performer: MOOK AND MIMI!

Sept. 4th, 5th, 6th – Line Dance Instruction by : Brian and Marybeth!! 🙂

Sept. 6thStruck by Lightning 2!!  + MVC line dancers with Brian and Marybeth!!

Sept. 13thKaroke and Open Mic night! – bring your instrument! story, jokes,group sing along , karaoke!

Sept. 9th and 10th Watercolor class by Linda Summers! If you always wondered what the wonderful world of watercolor is about, now is your chance! Linda is a budding artist herself and a great instructor. She is offering to share her love of watercolor, skill, AND materials FREE of charge to any and all!

Sept. 20th – live performance – performer: Struck by Lightning 2!!

Sept. 27th – live performance – performer: Bill Vespasian – new to us, but a preferred performer in this area!! Come listen!! Also our returning RV’er appreciation weekend! Must reserve a minimum of 2 nights over this weekend, with one night being FREE!! Thank you to our returners! We love you! 🙂 (when you make your reservation the system will show you a total but not to worry, if you are a returner I will adjust this on my end! )

Oct. 4thSPECIAL TREAT!! Our own Wyatt Espalin (and friends)  are returning for a performance back in his own stomping grounds! Yup, Wyatt grew up writing many of his favorite songs right here on the campground! His new album debuts this month as well – you might want to bring some extra cash for a purchase…just sayin’!!  🙂

Oct. 7th – Bring your instrument, sheet music to share, and a music stand if you have it because Sandy Monk is ready to lead a group play-along! Sandy and I attended a Ukulele class together and man can this gal play…and lead! Come join!!

OCT. 10TH – 17THGEORGIA MOUNTAIN FALL FEST AT THE FAIRGROUNDS – no entertainment here, but we will see you at the fairgrounds for all they have to offer! Why not stay here and have a nice night sleep before facing the fairground fun? We are only a short 10 minutes from the fairgrounds!

Oct. 18thBill Vespasian performs for us!!

Oct. 25th – live performance: Paul Sanner!! 🙂

Oct. 31st – Halloween

Nov. 1 (Sat.) Halloween Spooky celebration – Louie and Pj to provide witches brew with campers bringing a small snack to share, costumes!!, RV site decorating contest! -PRIZES – + live performance – MOOK AND MIMI!!

Nov. 3rd – last day of the 25′ season…have a beautiful winter all!!  🙂